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Biznet’s 5-Step Proven Marketing Automation Process

Marketing, as defined by the American Marketing Association, is a process for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.  

At Biznet, we believe that marketing is the process that captures the attention of your target market and facilitates a prospect’s decision-making process, giving customers specific and easy-to-take actions that further informs their ability to make a good decision.  

‘Authentic Marketing leading to effortless sales’ is about creating awareness in an environment where a buyer finds the seller and there is mutual respect between parties.  Sales occur when there is a fit; if not, it’s OK to walk away. If there is a fit, sales can only happen when the lead generation process is effective and nurtures trust.

Biznet’s Proven Process

An effective marketing system is proven, scalable, and repeatable. What does this mean?

  • Proven – Proven means the influence of marketing on sales can be traced from the origination of a lead to the sales, including costs and profits, to the return on investment.
  • Scalable – Scalable means a system grows with demand and can produce economies of scale as the total cost-per-transaction decreases.
  • Repeatable – Repeatable means the steps taken to attract and nurture a prospect to close are common among the targeted buyer persona and can be used to achieve the same results.  These steps  are optimized over time, lowering the total cost of marketing while continuing to feed growth.

Biznet’s Five-Phased Approach


During the first phase of the process, it’s important to understand the opportunities and challenges faced by the marketer.  Steps include:

  • Review your business plan, short-term and long term-objectives. Make sure that everyone agrees on the desires
  • Begin with the end in mind. Establish metrics, including baselines, goals, and timelines
  • Identify all products and services and their associated Unique Value Propositions (UVP)
  • Analyze the target market and define buyer personas
  • Review Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT), with the intent of playing to your strengths while also  being aware of threats
  • Create a detailed marketing plan with goals and timelines
  • Assess your website’s ability to attract and nurture. As the cornerstone of your marketing efforts, your website is your portal to the world and how it is perceived will have the greatest impact on your sales


Before building a lead machine, it’s important to have a sound marketing foundation.  Steps during this second phase include:

Modernize, update, expand, and optimize your online ecosystem for lead generation and nurturing

  • Analyze and extend persona-specific messaging
  • Offer clear, simple calls-to-action at each level of the buyer’s journey
  • Extend educational messaging and thought leadership
  • Perform keyword research and optimize the site for search engine inclusion

Assess and install sales and marketing technology (CRM/Marketing Automation)

  • Identify the tools that work best for your company
  • Integrate them with the sales process
  • Configure lead scoring and campaign reporting dashboards
  • Train/educate the affected sales and marketing teams


The automation phase is where the following tasks occur:

  • Define the marketing automation strategy and content and delivery strategy for each unique buyer’s journey (persona)
  • Create landing pages, email templates, and gates for featured content
  • Identify actions that will trigger events
  • Define and implement workflows


Once the machine has been assembled, the attraction phase is launched to fill the funnel:

  • Develop content marketing and social media programs to attract organic website traffic
  • Launch a drip email program to known prospects
  • Publish and promoted ‘gated’ content – that is, content requiring an email address for access
  • Supplement email lists with clean prospects, segmented by persona


A successful marketing program provides data that can be used to improve future efforts. Some tasks include:

  • Multivariate testing (A/B) of messaging and workflows
  • Optimize sponsored search activities for conversion rates and costs
  • Review and optimize all campaign activities, conversion rates, and buyer’s journeys
  • Update landing pages, general content, emails, messaging, etc.
When finished with the first pass through all five phases, begin again at the Automation phase with the next unique buyer persona or a new campaign.

Biznet has tested and proven this process again and again, producing great results for our clients.  Do you need help building your own custom lead generation machine?  Contact us today or start now by taking the Marketing Automation Health Check!