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Is Marketing Automation in Your eCommerce Shopping Cart?

Is Marketing Automation in Your eCommerce Shopping Cart?

eCommerce + Marketing AutomationeCommerce

Marketing Automation and eCommerce go hand in hand, or rather in this case, cart in cart. Integrating an eCommerce store with Marketing Automation technology gives online shops a few advantages over websites that choose not to utilize it.

Here are a few ways eCommerce sites can use Marketing Automation to their advantage:

  • Dynamic Web Content
  • Shopping Cart Abandonment
  • In-Depth Customer and Transaction Analytics
  • Pre and Post Customer Email Marketing

How Does Marketing Automation Benefit eCommerce?

  •  Dynamic Web Content

Have you ever visited a website to later return to find a new, personalized headline on the homepage or the products you were looking at prior displayed somewhere throughout the site? Well my friends, that is dynamic content and should not be confused with display pay-per-click ads that follow you around. Dynamic content swaps images or messages based off the user’s behavior or the location in which they are visiting the website. This action creates a more personalized user experience, making it more probable for a conversion.

  • Shopping Cart Abandonment

Having the ability to reach out to lost customers is a necessity with an average of Marketing Automation allows you to see when the purchase has been initiated and when the customer decided to leave (or completely forgot). After a predetermined period of time has passed, your Marketing Automation platform can send automated, dynamic email messages to those customers in hopes of luring them back to the cart they left behind.

  • In-Depth Customer and Transaction Analytics

Assuming 32% of your customers made it to the check—out, you’ve got a lot of data to explore. Luckily, Marketing Automation is doing all of the dirty work collecting the information you need such as customer demographics, conversion statistics and traffic sources. By having this data, you’ll be able to better understand where the strengths and weaknesses of your site.

Where on the site did someone leave?
Is the check-out process complicated?
Where are my customers being referred from?
Is the store manageable on a mobile device?
How old is my average customer?

All of these questions can easily be answered if your store is integrated with Marketing Automation.

  • Pre and Post Customer Email Marketing

Email integration is a key component to all Marketing Automation technologies. Most platforms use email addresses as a key identifier for contacts entered into the database and is used for a number of actions, specifically throughout the lead nurturing process. Without it, how will your customers receive the information to help move them down the sales funnel?

Marketing Automation gives eCommerce sites the chance to collect customer data early on in the sales process via newsletter sign-ups or form fills for in-depth product information (for example). However, once a customer has completed a sale shouldn’t be the last time they hear from your company. Continue the nurturing process after the sale by sending out emails for new product releases or just a simple “check-up”.

Because it really is all about creating a memorable customer experience.

 Close a Sale with Marketing Automation

We’ve only begun to scratch the surface of the power Marketing Automation holds when combined with eCommerce. If you’re interested in knowing more about how Marketing Automation can help better nurture customers and generate more conversions, take our FREE Marketing Automation Health Check. It could be just what you need to take your online store to the next level.